So, on to the real point.
I use Linux a lot for work. Its pretty cool. Its cheap, flexible, and cheap. Lots of people write cool things to do with it. Some people claim to write cool things to do with it, but really write shit that doesn't work. Then they convincing people to waste all night trying to get it to work because its the "the next big thing." If the sadist trying to install this next big thing actually gets it to work, they are supposed to tell people how they it. This is the open source model.
Here is more detail of how the model works:
- Find cool app.
- Look for a RPM for you're flavor of Linux
- Find out that there is no RMP for you flavor of Linux (Why they hell would there be an RPM for Redhat? Who the fuck uses that?)
- Download the source.
- Attempt to compile the source through some kind of new app, cause ./configure; make; make install is too 2004.
- Source fails to compile because your missing LIBCUNHEARDOFLIB-DEVEL_2.9.2134241-53
- Goto step 2.
- Give up. Wait for some one else to do it.
The 2-7 loop can literally go on for days. Step 8 can last from 1 week to infinity.
I'm on day 2 of trying to get iFolder Server to Compile on RHEL 5. So far after downloading and installing piles of RPMs and compiling SRPMs, I have rolled my own RPM for libflaim-4.9.989-1.i386.rpm. That right. If you want libflaim-4.9.989-1.i386.rpm for RHEL, you have to get it from me!
I don't know what it is, what it does, who wrote it, and why I need it for iFolder, but after hours of work, thats what I have, some kind of 'f'lame library.
I have now contributed something to the opensouce community. Don't say I haven't done anything for you. Now pull your heads out of your asses and start making RPMS for RHEL.
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