Saturday, September 22, 2007

WTF? Blogs==Websites for unwashed masses

Remember the days when you had a "website" and not a "blog." Remember when you had to write your own HTML back in the old web 1.0 days (or the 0.9 days if you go all the way back to '94 where all there was was Mosaic and all there was to look at was blink text and ugly ass back grounds.. kinda like myspace with out the terrible music.)

Anyway those days are over. Anyone can now tell the world what they think, and now, via myspace, force people to listen to simultaneously their shitty ass band while they yammer about there highschool in a blurry video.

Its too bad. Having to know HTML was a nice flood gate.

So, that being said, this is my "automatically generated webpage" or AGW for short. I will never bring myself to say I have a blog. AGW is as close as I will get.

Why have a AGW? Can't I write HTML?

Yes, I can, but I'm lazy.

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