Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nine Inch Nails Live

So last week I got to see the NIN concert in Philly. This was the tour for both Year Zero and The Slip. There was no show in DC so I drove up. Any one who has seen NIN live knows that the shows are a big deal.. lots of lights and crazy effects and stuff.

This show by far was the best I've been too, and I've been more then I can count. The technology they used for the light presentation was mind blowing. It appeared to be a massive grid or RGB LEDS that was probably 30'x50' that would lower infront of behind the performers. When it was dark, it could be seen through. The grid was able to obviously show video, but was was even more amazing is that it appeared to have light detecting nodes though out. With that they did all sorts of crazy things:

They put the screen infront of the band, and put the band in the dark behind it. Then they would do 2 spots across the stage infront of the band, behind the screen. Video would be shown on the screen, but as band members moved into the light, the video would black out in that area and that band member could be seen through the screen.

The next thing was nuts.. They put up a very minimal grid of squares on the screen. The drummer then walked out with a tiny flashlight and lit up some of the squares... it turns out the screen was a giant drum machine. He programmed it through out the song with flash light.

They also did lots of light feedback and effects by projecting other lights on the screen with the music.

For an engineering geek like me, it was truly an amazing thing to watch. The thought and creative energy that went into that show was just off the chart. If you ever get a chance to see NIN live, or pick up a concert video, I would not balk at the chance.

Pictures via Kelly

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